What’s the difference? You make a straight in approach to a straight in landing, right?
No so fast. While these two terms seem to be nearly identical they actually have a completely different meaning.
Straight-In Approach: An instrument approach wherein final approach is begun without first having executed a procedure turn Not necessarily completed with a straight-in landing or made to straight-in landing minimums.
Straight-In Landing: A landing made on a runway aligned within 30 degrees of the final approach course following completion of an instrument approach.
As you can see, a straight-in approach simply means that you don’t fly a procedure turn or holding-in-lieu-of procedure turn.
To fly a straight-in approach you must ensure that you are approaching the final approach fix from a direction that does not require a procedure turn, or you have been cleared for a straight in approach.
A straight-in approach has nothing to do with the landing procedure. A straight-in approach can be made to a circle to land procedure.
Straight-in landings are landings made to a runway aligned with the approach procedure. Landing to Runway 9 from the ILS 9 is an example of a straight-in landing.
Any circle to land is not a straight-in landing.
Straight-in approach = no procedure turn
Straight-in landing = landing to a runway within 30 degrees of the approach
Check ICAO 8168 Straight in approaches. I think the term “straight in landing” doesn’t exist.
Another thing is what ATC understand when they clear you for a “straight in app”
Straight in landing is what you find on IAP