What Cows Can Teach You About Density Altitude

What Cows Can Teach You About Density Altitude

It was a hot, sweltering summer day in Las Vegas.  Las Vegas, New Mexico that is. Running a little low on fuel, our pilot decided to make a quick stop  at the Las Vegas Municipal Airport.  There’s not really much to do but get fuel at KLVS, so the stop was quick...
Approach Plates Explained

Approach Plates Explained

Lesson #1 Approach Plate Basics – Learn the components of an approach plate and information is contained in each section. ‘Approach Plates Explained’ dives into every aspect of the FAA Terminal Procedures Charts.  We’ll discuss every item on...
Weather Brief

Weather Brief

It’s always better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air than in the air wishing you were on the ground. Before you even think of going out and cranking the engine for a flight, get a thorough weather brief.  This can be accomplished by calling a...