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Determining Holding Entries

Determining Holding Entries

  Holding entries are considered by many students to be the most difficult item to learn while flying instruments. Determining the proper entry requires situational awareness and an...

Teardrop Holding Entries

Teardrop Holding Entries

  Behind the direct entry, the teardrop is probably the easiest holding entry to learn.  Even though it is one of the easiest holding entries, there is still a lot to know about teardrop...

Direct Holding Entries

Direct Holding Entries

Direct holding entries are the absolute easiest entry to fly.  There are no calculations, no intercept angles, and no complex wind corrections to worry about in the entry. So now that we know how easy it is to fly a direct...

Parallel Holding Entries

Parallel Holding Entries

  Everyone hates parallel entries.  Almost every pilot will try to turn a parallel entry into a teardrop entry, just because they think the parallel is too difficult. It's really not that...

Approach Plates Explained

Approach Plates Explained

Lesson #1 Approach Plate Basics - Learn the components of an approach plate and information is contained in each section. 'Approach Plates Explained' dives into every aspect of the FAA Terminal Procedures Charts.  We'll discuss every item on the legend, what it means,...