An Overview of Airways

An Overview of Airways

This lesson is a quick overview of the airway system in the United States. Airways are the “highways in the sky” that connect each point in the United States.  Airways tell air traffic controllers where we are going and how we are going to get there....
Charted IFR Altitudes

Charted IFR Altitudes

This lesson explores the different types of IFR altitudes charted on an Enroute Low Altitude Chart. The types of altitudes most commonly found on the low altitude chart are the Minimum Enroute Altitude (MEA), Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude (MOCA), Minimum...
Objectionable Airports on the VFR Sectional

Objectionable Airports on the VFR Sectional

This lesson is thanks to Keith through our lesson suggestion tool on Keith has a student who found this “OBJECTIONABLE” symbol on the VFR sectional and wanted to know what it meant. Objectionable airports are airports that interfere with...
How To Intercept and Fly DME Arcs

How To Intercept and Fly DME Arcs

Note: This lesson uses a 2-4 degree rule of thumb for adjusting heading and radial. I know that the often taught method is “twist 10 turn 10” but for this lesson I chose to use the method outlined in the Instrument Flying Handbook just for standardization....
Drawing Holding Entries

Drawing Holding Entries

I’ve gotten a few questions lately about how to properly draw a holding entry when looking at a hold.  The process is the same for all holds regardless of position, direction, or if it has standard turns or not. The first step is to draw out the hold at the...